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Gints Strēlis, Sandra Strēle. THE LOOK

October 25, 2001 - November 7, 2001

October 25 – November 7, 2001,
at Art gallery PUTTI
Grēcinieku iela 22/24, Old Riga

Double exhibition

by jewellery artist Gints Strēlis
and leather artist Sandra Strēle

Jewellery artist GINTS STRĒLIS is a graduate of Tallinn Art Institute. Traces of ancient cultures can be clearly seen in the artist’s work. The interpretation of the Viking theme in his silver-etched authoring technique resembles ancient petroglyphic symbols, which are also found in Latvian caves, close to ancient fairways, although these beds are dried, the footstep remain as evidence of the interaction of Scandinavian cultures with White tribes.


October 25, 2001
November 7, 2001