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Exhibition by Guntis Lauders, Ingūna Laudere and Inese Karpova

October 22, 2004 - November 6, 2004

From October 22 until November 6, 2004
at Art gallery Putti
Grēcinieku iela 22/24, Old Riga

Exhibition by jewellery artist Guntis Lauders,
fashion designer Ingūna Laudere
and artist Inese Karpova

This time the eye will first encounter color. During the fall, take a short walk through the color fields. Jewellery by Guntis Lauders is grouping in colors, shades and halftones. RED – from coral tranquil to maple blush and chestnut. BROWN – from ebony saturated to cognac sparkling. PALE-BLUE WHITE – waiting for the snow and saddening for dandelion-fluffs. The attractiveness of the jewellery is not only in colors, but also in details with the highest performance – castings.

This exuberant intoxication continues in flirty cocktail dresses by Ingūna Laudere and in accessories by Inese Karpova (a game with leather).

Photo: Sergei Didyk


October 22, 2004
November 6, 2004