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Arterritory.com – SUPPORTISSIMO
November 26, 2020 - December 19, 2020

November 26 – December 19, 2020
at the premises of Art gallery PUTTI
Salon by art and culture website
The arts and culture portal Arterritory.com will create a temporary art salon / platform where you can talk, discuss, delve into and indulge in art, exhibiting works by 18 artists / groups of artists, which will also be available for purchase.
- Aivars Vilipsons. Sestdiena
- Helēna Heinrihsone. Sarkanā jūra
- Sarmīte Māliņa. Kristaps Kalns_Satikās. 2011
The ideological backbone of the “arterritory salon” is the very concept of “salon”, which in today’s world has been leveled and lost its original content. The starting point of the exhibition is the original nature of the salon, which was created and created by the 18th century, the Age of Enlightenment, which made it a center of philosophical and intellectual thought and discussion, not only daring to argue and criticize. . And art is known to be one of the strongest catalysts for conversation, as well as a partner for internal dialogue. It leads to new thoughts and can sometimes give people wings.
This is also the moment when art has become a crucial necessity in our lives. At a time of limited physical mobility, art is a tool that can expand reality, allowing us to roam freely and enter other worlds.
- Zane Hanele Putniņa. Zaķi klausules 6gab. un pelītes bļem bļem 2gab. 2019.
- Kaspars Grosevs. Uzvaretaja maska. 2020
- AnrisEglitis. 21×19,5
The term “salon” is known to have another important meaning in the history of art. It is also the title of the exhibition, which marks the largest event in art life in Western Europe between the middle of the 18th century and the end of the 19th century. The “Paris Salon” was once a reference point for a number of artists, collectors and spectators – as a place to meet, see and talk about the latest developments in the field of art.
At the exhibition will be exhibited 18 artists / artist groups – Māris Bišofs, Andris Eglītis, Miķelis Fišers, Andris Grīnbergs, Kaspars Groševs, Indriķis Ģelzis, Helēna Heinrihsone, Maija Kurševa, Haralds Jegodzinskis, MAREUNROL’S, Sarmīte Māliņa & Kristaps Kalns, Ģirts Muižnieks, Katrīna Neiburga, Elita Patmalniece, Dainis Pundurs, Zane Hannele Putniņa, Aivars Vilipsons, Artūrs Virtmanis works, which will also be available for purchase.
- Indriķis Ģelzis. Kompozīcija bez drapērijas.
- Haralds Jegodzienskis. Uguns maģija
- MikelisFisers. Budistu mūki māca meditāciju ķirzakcilvēkiem atkritējiem
- Maija Kurševa. Now I Know. 2010.
- Katrīna Neiburga. Matu bikini. 2019
- Ģirts Muižnieks. Eņģeļu gambīts. 2014
- Dainis Pundurs. Trauks
- Artūrs Virtmanis. Saule nezin cik tā tumša.
- MarisBisofs. Atminas
SUPPORTISSIMO is a project initiated by Arterritory.com – a virtual gallery that opened its doors on the portal platform (www.arterritory.com/projects) this spring – as a support campaign for artists and a response to the pervasive crisis. Art is one of the sectors hardest hit by the crisis caused by the global pandemic and at the same time an essential daily necessity, as it can both inspire and help the world to look at it from a different, perhaps more unusual point of view. Works of art are able to sow energy, creativity and vitality in space and in the viewer, which acts as a catalyst in crucial moments. The story of excellent art is sustainable and non-stop and can play a crucial role in life. In today’s world, a work of art has become one of the allies in our lives that can help us pass this precarious and emotionally fragile time.
The idea of the project is included in the name ATBALSTISSIMO, which combines two words – Italian lively “bravissimo” and Latvian serious “atbalsts” (“support”), and it is intended as a gesture of solidarity. 90 percent of the value of a work of art goes directly to its creators.
This will also be a great opportunity to supplement your library with books and annual magazines published by the art and culture portal Arterritory.com, which will also be available in the gallery.
Based on the sanitary protocol regulating the activities of museums of the Ministry of Culture, Arterritory.com has planned to observe the established norms of physical distancing and disinfection in the Putti premises during the visit to the exhibition.
In case of questions or uncertainties, please contact the exhibition organizer:
+371 29216158
Facebook: Arterritory
Instagram: @arterritory_com
arterritory.com about SUPPORTISSIMO
baltic.news about SUPPORTISSIMO
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